Swimming Pool

October 28, 2017

Swimming Pool

Dip in the Scorching Sun!

Master Quality Hotels & Inn has an 8-Shaped beautiful pool that is opened throughout the year. In sunny season, the pool provides respite from the scorching and blazing sun. Be it a hot humid weather or a cool normal weather, you can laze around or in the pool with family or friends to complete your day.

The pool is completely clean and well maintained. The water is well treated and it makes it a perfect choice for you when you stay with us. It is completely hygienic, it is private and strictly for in-house guests only. Surrounded by artistically greenery makes the inn’s pool stand among luxurious properties of the city.

The best is, there are no extra charges to use this elegant beautiful pool. You can enjoy the peculiar benefit of being a lodger at Master Quality Hotels & Inn to dip in the pool.

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